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Wardrobe Wednesday- fighting dress

This last weekend, my daughter and I attended a superhero training can birthday party.  It was so much fun seeing the kids learning different superhero moves, and I'll admit I had to get in on the action myself. Continue Reading »

Motivation Monday – jump rope for your heart 

​​ I can't be the only one who remembers doing the jump rope for your heart events in elementary school. I always loved getting to come up with jump rope choreography to a song. That being said, jump roping is an Continue Reading »

Fitness Friday- focus on form

​​​ ​ I like to post a lot of my heavier or more complicated workouts cause those are the ones that show how much progress I've made with my fitness. I don't always lift super heavy, however, so I thought it Continue Reading »

Wardrobe Wednesday- playground fun

As a mother to two small children, I spend a fair amount of time at the various parks around our house. I don't always know exactly when these trips are going to occur, so I often find myself at the park in a dress. Continue Reading »

Motivation Monday- keep moving 

​​Most of the videos I post (both here and on Instagram) show me putting everything I have into the exercise, which is how I always try to approach my workouts. Pushing yourself to your physical limits allows you to Continue Reading »

Sartorial Sunday- chilly weather 

So we had a rare cool day this week, so I had to pull out some jeans and a Randy tee to not freeze. It's a little bit weird to be wearing jeans in August but it was nice to be able to rock a Randy again. I really love Continue Reading »

Fitness Friday- single leg KB crossbody deadlifts 

Lots of exercises can be modified to isolate one side of your body. This allows you to work on strengthening your non-dominant side (leg, arm, etc). Everyone knows that their dominant hand is due to handwriting, but Continue Reading »

Wardrobe Wednesday- fun prints 

One of the things I love most about LuLaRoe clothes are the super fun prints.  I enjoy wearing prints and will often try to pull together a themed outfit if I can.  Sort of like Ms Frizzle without the school Continue Reading »

Motivation Monday- compound movements

​​Anyone who works out regularly has probably done their fair share of lunges. Lord knows that I have, so it becomes important to find ways to mix up this basic exercise to keep it challenging. This can be done Continue Reading »

Sartorial Saturday- not afraid to stand out

So this outfit is truly the type of outfit that I love to wear the most, where o just kind of throw caution to the wind and wear what speaks to me. These pants were actually sold as a swimsuit cover-up and I've had Continue Reading »