Tag Archives: bopo

Sartorial Saturday- i ♥ Stitch

So quick confession: my husband and I used to go to every kids movie that came out even before we had children. I have a lot of friends who didn't really see kids movies in the time between their own childhood and Continue Reading »

Fitness Friday- taking it up a notch

Every day this week, I have continued to feel better. I went into XIT this week pretty sure that I would end up having to walk out early, because I was still too weak. Not only did I complete the workout, but I was able Continue Reading »

Happy 4th of July- 2 year Instagram anniversary

Two years ago, I started posting outfit photos on Instagram as part of my application to become a model for Torrid. This was a pretty big deal for me add i spent many years actively avoiding photos of my self and here Continue Reading »

Motivation Monday- work at your own level

Today was my first boxing class after being sick, so I knew I had to try not to push it too hard. It's very easy for me to get carried away while boxing. I get so caught up in the combination that I'm not always aware Continue Reading »

Sartorial Saturday- dressing to feel better

Spent the beginning of this week just lounging around in my pajamas due to sickness, which was comfy but didn't necessarily make me feel better. I try to put some serious thought into my daily outfits. I've found that Continue Reading »

Sartorial Saturday- NKOTB edition

This week, I got to attend my fourth NKOTB concert in 6 years. I was a HUGE fan as a kid and fondly remember my NKOTB nightshirt and the Jordan Knight doll I carried everywhere. I still love their music and they put Continue Reading »

Wardrobe Wednesday

I think I'll be spending a good portion of my summer rocking Carly dresses. They're super comfortable and long enough that I don't need to worry about having a Marilyn Monroe moment. Even better, I can wear multiple Continue Reading »

Motivation Monday- better late than never

My Motivation Monday video is from my boxing class last Monday. I was the only person in class that day, which meant the workout was personalized just for me. We did some more advanced moves and played with foot work. Continue Reading »