Tag Archives: gymrat

Motivation Monday- non scale victories

It can get frustrating when the numbers on the scale aren't moving as quickly as you'd like. If you're working out while also watching your diet, chances are the scale won't always move even if you see changes in your Continue Reading »

Motivation Monday- taking control of my weight and health

I was recently diagnosed with both high cholesterol and diabetes, which both run in my family. I've always sworn that if my weight ever started to affect my health then I would do everything in my power to get it under Continue Reading »

Motivation Monday- give it all you’ve got

Exercise is a major form of stress relief for me, and many of my PRs correlate with some type of difficult I was facing in my life. There's just something about pushing yourself as hard as you can that makes everything Continue Reading »

Motivation Monday- home gym for the win

I had two sick kiddos last week, which meant I had to miss my XIT workout at the gym. After all, if they can't go to school then they can't go to the gym daycare. I could have very easily decided to just not film the Continue Reading »

Fitness Friday- things don’t always go as planned

So I often tell people the best way to stay committed to the gym is to be a stickler about your workout schedule, and I am a big believer in considering your workouts as appointments that cannot be moved except in case Continue Reading »

Motivation Monday- Difficulty Level: Expert

https://youtu.be/lZFcJjTsVyg While I enjoy giving people tips about how to enhance or improve their workouts, it is also fun to show off a little bit every once in a while. The exercise in this video is called a man Continue Reading »

Motivation Monday- adds on help add to your calorie burn

Our second week of XIT fell on Halloween this week, so our instructor added some special Halloween add-ons to make it a bit more challenging. We had to do either 31 jumping jacks or 31 butt kicks in between each Continue Reading »

Motivation Wednesday- working towards a new leg press PR

https://youtu.be/cOwR-1gV_Io https://youtu.be/D0y7TE8t07o My current leg press PR is 1040 pounds, which is 22 45 pound plates and 2 25 pound plates. I was able to do 6 reps at this wait, but it was a struggle. My goal Continue Reading »

Motivation Monday- kicking your trainer is fun

https://youtu.be/dNKBWzu4hZc https://youtu.be/t-3CiTCWqXg It has been really fun getting to add new moves into our boxing workouts as we've all become more proficient at the basic punches and kicks. Not only do we get Continue Reading »

Motivation Monday- jump roping is no JOKE

https://youtu.be/-aHP7u4TH9U My 6 year old daughter is a jump roping machine. She spend a good chunk of every evening jump roping and makes it look so easy to jump rope for 5 minutes straight. Unfortunately, that is Continue Reading »