Tag Archives: loveyourbody

Fitness Friday- just shuffling along

I've mentioned the importance of varying your time on the treadmill through different inclines and speeds, but it is also beneficial to vary how your move through space. Walking and running are basically the same Continue Reading »

Motivation Monday- backhands are FUN

There have been a lot of cool new moves lately in our boxing class. This week we were introduced to backhands. While the instructor made it look super easy, it is actually pretty difficult. You not only need to step Continue Reading »

Motivation Monday- first attempts aren’t always pretty

Today for the first time we added a burpee kick into our boxing class. The instructor made it look like an awesome breakdancing move, but as you can see mine was anything but smooth. I'm hoping as we get more time to Continue Reading »

Fitness Friday- triple threat leg exercise

If you've got a limited amount of time at the gym, I always like to do compound movements like this one. Since it is actually three separate leg exercises combined into one, it packs a real punch. Even just three sets Continue Reading »

Motivation Monday- all the Taebo I did in college finally paid off

I was a huge fan of Billy Blanks' Taebo videos while I was in college. I had all the videos and would religiously do them during my down time. Taebo was one of the first workouts I did that was so much fun that it Continue Reading »

Fitness Friday- med ball slam your cares away

While boxing is my main source of stress relief, there are other exercises that can be just as effective for relieving stress if you do them correctly. My favorite of these would be medicine ball slams. There is just Continue Reading »

Motivation Monday- no holidays from working out

Due to the holiday, there was no boxing class today but that didn't mean no workout for me. I love that we've got a little mini gym in our basement for days when I don't make it to the gym. Maintaining a rigid Continue Reading »

Fitness Friday- listen to your body

I love to lift heavy and pride myself on always pushing myself to lift heavier each time I attempt any given exercise . Right now, however, I'm still dealing with an overuse injury with regards to my right wrist. I Continue Reading »

Motivation Monday- quick cardio on the treadmill

I always try to get in at least 10 minutes of cardio before I lift, but with two small children I do run late sometimes. This is one of the workouts I pull out when I've got to warm-up quickly. I do 60 seconds of Continue Reading »

Motivation Monday- control is key

Power has never been a problem for me. In fact, I've come pretty close to breaking these mirrors with the bags on several occasions (mainly while kicking) which has resulted in the training placing dumbbells in Continue Reading »