Tag Archives: sweatisabeautifulthing

Motivation Monday- shaking is a sign you’re working hard

You have to really push your body pretty hard to be visibly shaking. I can often feel my muscles shaking when I'm lifting heavy, but it's not always visible to bystanders. Today, we were challenged to hold a push-up Continue Reading »

Fitness Friday- everything is harder on one leg

Since I added the XIT kettlebell class to my workout routine, I have become much more comfortable with KB cleans. It's rare to have a class that does not involve at least one exercise that utilizes a clean. Most Continue Reading »

Motivation Monday- never give up never surrender

The hatred that used to be reserved for burpees has now been redirected towards inch worm push-ups. For anyone who had never done an inch worm push-up, you start in a standing position and then you place your hands on Continue Reading »

Fitness Friday- expanding my repertoire

I've done many straight legged deadlifts with kettlebells or dumbbells, but until yesterday I had never done a conventional deadlift with a barbell. I've seen a lot of videos of people doing it recently and wanted to Continue Reading »

Motivation Monday- getting fancy with the jump rope

We've been using the jump rope as one of our conditioning exercises more during boxing class. I'm still not talented to do the "boxer skip" side to side jump rope, but I have been trying to up my jump rope game in Continue Reading »

Fitness Friday-prisoner get-ups

This is a great exercise to add into your routine, because its an AMAZING workout that requires 0 equipment. All you do is put your hands behind your head while you lower into a kneeling position and then return to Continue Reading »

Motivation Monday- my competitive nature kicks my own butt (which I’m ok with)

This was the very first time I encountered side-to-side or lateral burpees. It amazes me how many different variations of burpees exist. These are pretty touch with the side to side jumping between each burpee. I was Continue Reading »

Fitness Friday-getting creative as your fitness level increases

This week, my trainer and I decided that it would be fun to do plié squats with a big 45# plate instead of using dumbbells. Very quickly, however, we had to get creative. The reason we've been using dumbbells for Continue Reading »

Wardrobe Wednesday – cute workout clothes are life

I honestly probably spend more time in workout clothes than normal clothes. Since I go to the gym in the morning, I usually just change right into my activewear after I get up. And honestly unless I get SUPER sweaty Continue Reading »

Motivation Monday- atomic push-ups with and without TRX bands

One of the most challenging moves from last week's new XIT workout was the TRX atomic push-ups. You put your feet into the straps which makes you engage your core to remain stable. Then you use your abs to pull up Continue Reading »